How to read/view/enjoy this blog

Friday, June 27, 2008

A few questions have come up, bringing to my attention that I am taking a few too many things for granted. Things to know about this blog:

  • The most recent post appears at the top. Because we break down some days into several posts, make sure you read the title (which day, which part) and scroll down to see if you missed anything. (Also, at the very bottom of the page is a link to "Older Posts", in case you are joining us late).

  • Most of the images are actually movies. Click on the little play button and let your senses be delighted.

  • All the movies have sound. If you don't hear any, seek out some tech support (possibly Ryan).

  • Occasionally there are photo slideshows. If you click on them, you will be able to see larger versions of the photos, and have more time to read the captions (I cannot figure out how to change the speed of the slideshow).

  • Please comment! I have opened the comments to all, so feel free to make this interactive by asking questions, laughing with us, making requests, or just saying hi in the comments. Others will be able to read whatever you write.


Unknown said...

Are you here yet? Are you here yet? Are you here yet? Christopher and I want you here SOON!!! :) -Kelly G

Ryan Wanger said...

Almost...July 1!