Being the go-getters that we are, we got up early with the intention of running. Waiting on our room service breakfast we had ordered the night before (yes, we wanted to sample the good life), we realized it was late. Calling down to the front desk thankfully resolved the situation, as one of us (who shall remain nameless) had forgotten to write down the room number on the order sheet. Thankfully, they had prepared it anyway, hoping that we would call down and ask for it.
They bring up your muffin wrapped in a napkin, giving you the opportunity for a hilarious scam:
- Simply put the napkin aside, then call down and tell them you didn't get your muffin.
- They will apologize and bring up two more muffins to apologize for the mistake!
- Then, after you have finished breakfast, reach for the napkin and realize that it already contains two hidden muffins.
- Laugh maliciously while scarfing down your third and fourth muffins of the morning (hopefully they aren't all bran!)
Ambitiously, we went for a run, which meant the first half mile was spent running 1 block at a time, waiting for a walk sign, then running for another block. We stopped at a map, which pointed us along a "bike path" through several green sections, and out to a lakeside park.
To make a long story short, we basically ran through 40 minutes of abandoned industrial views, cursing the deceptive green areas of the map as well as our own overambitious metric conversion skills before arriving here:
The return trip was better, because we were running towards the scenic downtown skyline, instead of a distant and unseen park amongst smokestacks, semis, and abandoned lots. After what amounted to a 10k, we returned to prepare our bags, which looked as though they had exploded into all corners of the room.
Please enjoy this next clip courtesy of the poor people waiting in the lobby after we had to send 3 empty elevators to the top floor just to score a ride in one of the scenic ones:
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