Day 2: The Adirondacks to the Grand Canyon (of the East) Part 2

Monday, June 23, 2008

It poured briefly just before we arrived at the park, perhaps scaring away all the visitors? Or perhaps it is normal for the park to seem nearly empty? The park is over 17 miles long, straddling a deep canyon formed by the Genessee river, which used to flood approximately every 7 years until they built a giant dam in the 1940's. It's funny to see a 700 foot high dam with just a trickle of water running through it...

We took a short hike down to lower falls:
Problem with this video...

Continuing along the Gorge Trail, we hiked for an hour along the edge of the canyon, occasionally detouring around areas where the path had eroded away into the gorge. We saw a grand total of 1 person. Arriving at the stately Glenn Iris Inn, we remarked what a great place it would be for a wedding....and it happened to be hosting one at that very moment. 50 yards away is Middle Falls: