Day 3: Letchworth State Park to Toronto - Part 3

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

After learning that Niagara Falls were formed by during the Wisconsin glacial period, Janet expressed some confusion at what exactly glaciers do. Don't they primarily form glacial valleys, like those seen in Glacier National Park?

Well, no. They also form waterfalls, flat land (like Wisconsin), and pretty much everything else that cannot be explained by natural historians. Basically, "glaciers" is the scientific equivalent of a parent telling their child "because I said so".

How was the river valley formed? Glaciers.
That rock formation? Glaciers.
Machu Picchu? Glaciers.
Probably also stonehenge, and those giant heads out on Easter Island.

Anyway, onto Toronto. Just for the fun of it, we thought it would be cool to find a good vegeterian restaurant in town, so we came across this place, Commensal, not realizing that it was buffet style, pay by the pound dinner:

Regardless, it was seriously the best meal I've had in some time.

We wandered through Queen's park, saw some students practicing Shakespeare outside in a little park, and briefly toured the Bloor/Yorkville neighborhood. Of course, I insisted on taking the subway to get back, because what better way to learn more about the locals, right?

Oh yes, and did I mention that we used priceline for the first time that day? $100 for a night at the four star Toronto Hilton!